Rendering Images

Rendering Images

You can also use Axis to render charts directly on the server as images - to use them on emails, notifications or exporting to external services. It uses the same syntax as client-side rendered charts, so all your charts are interactive and exportable!


Axis uses Node and Puppeteer under the hood, so both need to be installed and accessible to the system’s webserver user.


After creating your chart, you can call toPng(), toWebp() or toJpeg() to generate an screenshot of the chart and get it’s contents. After that, you can save it on storage, for instance:

class ExampleController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(): View
        $chart = Chart::chartjs()
            ->labels(['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'])
            ->series('# of Votes', [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3], ['borderWidth' => 1])
            ->options(['scales' => [
                'y' => ['beginAtZero' => true],

        Storage::put('chartjs.png', $chart->toPng());

You can also set the Node binary path if needed:

$image = $chart->setNodeBinary('/usr/local/bin/node')->toPng();

Storage::put('chartjs.png', $image);

It is that easy!

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